EZ Herbs products are custom blended by hand. In addition to the products listed below, other blends can be created to suit your specific needs. Choose from these handmade products or contact me to customize products for your particular situation.
*Please note that these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If a medical condition persists, please consult a health care professional.
Products may be purchased online through PayPal or email Corey.
All shipping is processed by Priority Mail.
Please visit our herbal info index page to learn more about each herb used in EZ Herbs products.
All-Purpose Salve
A salve for burns, bruises, cuts, scrapes, scars, and more.
Made with Calendula, Knit Bone, and St. John’s Wort.
1 oz $14.50
Black Salve
A powerful herbal salve used for skin tumors, infections and spider bites. Made from Bloodroot, Charcoal, Chaparral, Black Walnut Hull, Yellow Dock Root, Echinacea, Calendula, Green Clay, unprocessed beeswax and Vitamin E oil
1 oz $18.50
“Your Black Salve worked wonders on my 5 year old female Boston Terrier. She had a good sized mast cell tumor (MCT) on her front paw. I’ve attached some before and after pictures for your use. The first two give you an example of how big it was in May. The last gives you the end result after two months of daily (twice a day usually) application of the Black Salve. Covering the area with a self adhesive bandage so she wouldn’t lick the area. It would last a few hours and by the time she would pull it off the Black Salve would be fairly dry. Even if she did lick the area with a little Black Salve on it, it didn’t seem to make her sick. Might have even helped fight the MCT from the inside! Who knows!
I used a little over 1 1/2 of the two 1oz jars that I bought from you from early May to the end of June and the MCT is gone!!!! I haven’t noticed her licking the area for a long time. Probably saved me $250 in Vet/surgery bills and much less impact/stress on the dog.
Wooped them again!!!!
Customer: Mark
Your Black Salve is absolutely wonderful! On Monday, something bit me right above my ankle. I swatted a mosquito there, but it certainly did not behave like a mosquito bite. Itchy, hot, red splotch about quarter-sized with lots of bumps. On Saturday I picked up some Black Salve and took the “before” photo. The itching and burning stopped by Monday. The “after” photo was taken the next Friday and shows smooth skin with the faintest pink spot. I’m a believer! Less than a week to address a potentially serious issue. Many thanks, Nancy
Calendula Salve
A soothing simple salve made with Calendula flowers for a variety of skin problems, such as insect bites, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, chapped lips, frostbite, hemorrhoids, cuts and bruises.
1 oz $14.50
“I recently underwent Radiation Treatment for Breast Cancer, and the doctor prescribed a petroleum based Calendula Ointment. I do not like to use petroleum products, so LUCKILY I found Ellen’s EZ Herbs at People’s Pharmacy in Austin, TX. Ellen’s Calendula Salve helped heal my extremely Sensitive Radiated Skin Tremendously! I am so happy that I found her EZ Herbs products! I am One Happy Customer, THANK YOU ELLEN!
-Many Blessings, Jessica
Fungal Salve
A salve for toe fungus, athlete’s foot, and other fungal diseases. Made with Goldenseal, Myrrh, Black Walnut hull, Chamomile, Calendula, Tea Tree oil, Oregano oil and Vitamin E oil.
1 oz $18.50
Lovely Lubricant
Soothing salve for vaginal dryness and irritation.
Made from Coconut oil, Slippery Elm powder, Wild Yam root, Fenugreek, Dong Quai, Licorice Root, and vitamin E oil.
1 oz $19.95 ~ 2 oz $35.95
“Your Lovely Lubricant has been helping greatly with dryness of the vagina and cervix. I’ve experienced an amazing improvement in the past month that I’ve been applying it daily.”
Scratch No More
A soothing salve
Made with Chickweed, Calendula, Monarda fistulosa and Lavender.
1 oz $14.50
My whole family loves the Scratch No More Salve. Just a small swipe of this salve on a bug bite instantly stops the itch and redness of mosquito bites and even those pesky ant bites. Works better than anything else we’ve tried. -Annette
Your Scratch No More salve has been a lifesaver on more than one occasion! I bought it just before a trip to East Africa in 2014 and it was instant relief anytime I got a mosquito bite. I’m allergic and usually a bite means a large welt that turns into a bruise-like mark that will stay on my body for weeks. The Scratch No More not only stopped the itching but prevented the bruising from ever happening! I heal so fast now. So thank you for an amazing product!! – Jasmine Victoria
Symphytum Salve
Made from freshly dried Symphytum officinale sun-infused into organic Olive oil. Developed the name “Knitbone” for a while due to it’s popular use and effectiveness as a poultice to help with broken bones, deep bruising or muscle trauma. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY
1 oz $14.50
Wound Salve
Made from fresh Self-Heal, Passionflower, Knitbone, Calendula, Gotu kola, Yarrow, and Plantain leaves, this salve can be used on stubborn wounds and injuries to the skin.
1 oz $15.50
Herbal Skin Care Products
Herbal Skin Care products to bring out your natural beauty.
Body Brush $6.99
This boar bristle contour body brush has been ergonomically designed for superior massage leverage while bathing. Use this brush on dry skin before bathing to enhance exfoliation and stimulate circulation and lymphatic flow. Handle is made from smooth pine wood.
Miracle Grains
For deep cleaning and beautifying your face. Made with white clay, ground almonds, ground oats, Roses, and Lavender. Mix with warm water.
2 oz $14.50
Perfect Cream
A moisturizer great for your face or entire body. Made from Apricot and/or Almond oil, Cocoa butter, Aloe Vera gel, lanolin, beeswax, Rosewater, vitamin E, Lavender and Rose essential oil.
1 oz $18.95
“I have been using your products now for nearly three years. I don’t normally do this, but I think it is time that I thanked you and your staff for your superior service and products that now have proved themselves through the test of time. I especially wanted to let all of you know how beneficial one of your products, the Perfect Cream, has been in my life. As you can see, I live in a very hot, dry climate. But what is less known about Las Vegas is that it can get quite chilly (with very low humidity) in the desert during the winter. What’s amazing about the Perfect Cream is that it acts as a protective moisturizer in both the hot and cold weather on my hands and my face. In addition, it is “perfect” for use after shaving because of its additional healing properties, and in winter, when combined with your All Purpose Salve it can quickly make the dry cracking skin around my cuticles soften and heal in one day. Finally, not the least of its advantages is that it is so economical. I use it almost every day, and so little is needed for each application that a small one ounce jar can last literally months.
It is very rare to find great products and service combined in one company. Thank you very much, and keep up the great work.
Queen of Hungary Water
An old Gypsy recipe for a facial astringent that cleanses, adds moisture, and may be sprayed on scarring. Made from Roses, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Calendula, Sage, Rosemary, Lemon Peel, Rosewater, witch hazel, and essential oils of Roses and Lavender.
4 oz $19.95
“As we get older our skin’s tolerance changes. The corner of my outer eyes have become sensitive to my make up (same products I have used for years). The skin becomes red, thin and itchy. My dermatologist gave me a prescription steroid type ointment that makes you sun sensitive (which a gardener doesn’t need). I choose not to use the prescribed meds and started to used a little extra Queen of Hungary’s Water on the corner of my eyes in the morning and before going to sleep. In a couple of applications the skin is healed of and no longer thin and sensitive. The healing properties of this product are great. Thank you for your time and knowledge.”
-Joyce Billings
A facial toner and refresher. Made with freshly picked Rose petals, witch hazel and Rose essential oil.
4 oz $18.95
“I keep this Rosewater in the refrigerator and spray after a hot afternoon in the garden. It makes my skin feel moisturized and fresh all day!”