Students are joining together to learn about the growing habits, medicinal benefits and the glory of our green friends in so many ways.
We participate in hands-on experience, gathering plants, berries, making various herbal preparations and so much more.
There is didactic teaching, handouts and a binder are provided and students enjoy taking lots of good notes.
Many joyous moments are experienced throughout the weekend.
Since this is the last year that I am teaching the series I wanted to ask for suggestions on one or two day workshops that you may be interested in during 2017. Would you like a workshop on Women’s Health, or Medicine Making or Organic Gardening? Or others??
Please send me an email to and make your requests. I will be happy to schedule those classes for next year.
Thanks so much and I apologize to those who couldn’t get in to this last complete herbal series.
Many Green Blessings, Ellen
Hope to see you in a workshop next year!
Learn More About our Workshops!